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Denominazione: Chianti Classico DOCG
Varietals: 80% sangiovese grosso, 10% merlot, 10% cabernet sauvignon
First year of production: 2015
Production area: Greve in Chianti
Altitude of vineyard: 300 metres above sea level
Exposure: north/south on clay soil rich with Alberese rock.
Pruning: Spurred cordon
Age and density of vines: 20 years with 5000 plants per hectare
Harvest: manual, first week of September for the merlot, first week of October for the Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon
Fermentation: alcoholic with indigenous yeast at 28-30 degrees in steel vats, with 10 day maceration post fermentation
Fermentation: malolactic in wood for merlot and cabernet sauvignon, in steel for sangiovese.
Fining: merlot and cabernet savignon in 225 litre barriques for 12 months and a further 6 months in steel. Sangiovese 18 months in steel and 6 months in the bottle.
Ageing potential: above 8 years
Alcohol 14%
Production: 5000 bottles a year in 0,75 litre format
Excellent paired with grilled meats and typical Tuscan dishes.
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